Laboratory of                                                 

Plasma–Electrolytic Process


2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 ,2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 y.

2000 y.

  1. V. S. Rudnev, T. P. Yarovaya, D. L. Boguta, E. S. Panin, and P. S. Gordienko {[Руднев В.С., Яровая Т.П., Коньшин В.В., Кайдалова Т.А., Морозова В.П., Богута Д.Л., Белик Е.Н., Руднев В.С]}. Effect of the Polyphosphate/Me Molar Ratio in an Aqueous Electrolyte on the Composition of Anodic-Spark Layers at Aluminum Alloys {[Микроплазменное оксидирование сплава алюминия в водных растворах циклогексафосфата натрия и азотнокислых солей La и Eu]} // Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2000. V. 36. № 12. P. 1291.
  2. D. L. Boguta, V. S. Rudnev, T. P. Yarovaya, E. S. Panin, T. A. Kaidalova, and P. S. Gordienko. Formation of P- and Ni-containing Anodic Coatings on Aluminum Alloy at Sparking Potentials // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2000. V. 73. № 8. P. 1368.
  3. I. V. Lukiyanchuk, V. S. Rudnev, T. A. Kaidalova, A. S. Rudnev and P. S. Gordienko. Anodic-Spark Layers Deposited on Aluminum Alloy in Borate Electrolytes // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2000. V. 73. № 6. P. 982.

2001 y.

  1. V. S. Rudnev, T. P. Yarovaya, V. P. Morozova, D. L. Boguta, V. M. Nikitin, M. D. Koryakova, N. V. Speshneva, A. P. Suponina, and P. S. Gordienko. Biocidal Properties of Anodic–Spark Layers with Phosphorous and Me(II) on an Aluminum Alloy // Protection of Metals 2001. V. 37. № 1. P. 71.
  2. L. M. Tyrina, V. S. Rudnev, E. A. Abozina, T. P. Yarovaya, D. L. Boguta, E. S. Panin, and P. S. Gordienko. Formation of Anodic Layers with Mn, Mg and P on Titanium and Aluminum // Protection of Metals. 2001. V. 37. № 4. P. 323.
  3. Rudnev V.S., Yarovaya T.P., Boguta D.L, Tyrina L.M., Nedozorov P.M., Gordienko P.S. Anodic spark deposition of P, Me(II) or Me(III) contai-ning coating on aluminium and titanium alloys in electrolytes with polyphosphate complexes // J. Electroanal. Chem. 2001. V. 497. № 1-2. P. 150-158.
  4. P. M. Nedozorov, K. N. Kilin, T. P. Yarovaya, T. A., Kaidalova, E. S. Panin, D. L. Boguta, V. S. Rudnev and P. S. Gordienko. Optical Properties of ZrO2–Containing Anodic Coatings on Aluminum // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. 2001. V. 68. № 4. P. 670-674.
  5. Gordienko P.S., Gnedenkov S.V., Rudnev V.S., Khrisanfova O.A., Yarovaya T.P., Sinebryukhov S.L., Nedozorov P.M., Kovryanov A.N. Покрытия на вентильных металлах, полученные методом микродугового оксидирования // В кн.: "Исследования Института материалов в области создания материалов и покрытий" Vladivostok: Dalnauka. 2001. P.138-147

2002 y.

  1. V. S. Rudnev, I. V. Lukiyanchuk, D. L. Boguta, V. V. Kon’shin, A. S. Rudnev, and P. S. Gordienko. Spark-Anodic Oxide Coatings Formed on Al and Ti Alloys in Tungstate-Containing Phosphate–Vanadate Baths // Protection of Metals. 2002. V. 38. № 2. P. 191.
  2. M. S. Vasil’eva, V. S. Rudnev, L. M. Tyrina, I. V. Lukiyanchuk, N. B. Kondrikov, and P. S. Gordienko. Phase Composition of Coatings Formed on Titanium in Borate Electrolyte by Microarch Oxidation. // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2002. V. 75. № 4. P. 569.
  3. I. V. Lukiyanchuk, V. S. Rudnev, N. A. Andenko, T. A. Kaidalova, E. S. Panin, and P. S. Gordienko. Anodic-Spark Oxidation of Aluminum Alloy in Tungstate Electrolytes. // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2002. V. 75. № 4. P. 573.
  4. D. L. Boguta, V. S. Rudnev, T. P. Yarovaya, T. A. Kaidalova, and P. S. Gordienko. On Composition of Anodic-Spark Coatings Formed on Aluminum Alloys in Electrolytes with Polyphosphate Complexes of Metals. // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2002. V. 75. № 10. P. 1605.
  5. Kondrikov N. B., Shchitovskaya E.V., Vasilyeva M.S., Kuryavy V.G., Rudnev V.S., Tyrina L.M., Gordienko P.S. Влияние предварительной обработки титана на морфологию поверхности и электрохимические свойства селективных электродов на основе оксидов рутения и титана // Электронный журнал "Исследовано в России". 1005-1008, 2002.
  6. V. S. Rudnev, I. V. Lukiyanchuk, V. V. Kon’shin, and P. S. Gordienko. Anodic-Spark Deposition of P- and W(Mo)-Containing Coatings onto Aluminum and Titanium Alloys // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2002. V. 75. № 7. P. 1082.
  7. I. V. Lukiyanchuk, V. S. Rudnev, L. M. Tyrina, E. S. Panin, and P. S. Gordienko. Anodic-Spark Layers Formed on Aluminum Alloy in Tungstate-Borate Electrolytes. // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2002. V. 75. № 12. P. 1972.

2003 y.

  1. V. S. Rudnev, T. P. Yarovaya, V. V. Kon’shin, and P. S. Gordienko. Anodic Spark Coatings on Titanium and Alloy from Baths Containing Aluminum Polyphosphate Complexes // Protection of Metals. 2003. V. 39. № 2. P. p. 160.
  2. V. S. Rudnev, D. L. Boguta, and P. S. Gordienko. On the Thickness of Anodic-Spark Coatings as Formed in Polyphosphate Electrolytes // Protection of Metals. 2003. V. 39. № 2. P. 195.
  3. Tyrina L.M., Rudnev V.S., Bulanova S.B., Kaidalova T.A., Panin E.S., Gordienko P.S. Термическое поведение анодно-искровых покрытий с марганцем и фосфором на титане // Protection of Metals. 2003. Т. 39. № 3. С. 371-375.
  4. V. S. Rudnev, L. M. Tyrina, V. M. Nikitin, N. V. Speshneva, and P. S. Gordienko. Biocidal Anodic Films on Titanium // Protection of Metals. 2003. V. 39. № 4. P. 334.
  5. Vasil’eva M.S., Rudnev V.S., Tyrina L.M., Kondrikov N.B., Gordienko P.S. Формирование и состав содержащих Mn, Co, Pb, Fe анодных слоев на титане // Известия ВУЗов. Химия и химическая технология. 2003. Т. 46. № 5, С.165-169.
  6. V. S. Rudnev, M. S. Vasil’eva, L. M. Tyrina, T. P. Yarovaya, V. G. Kuryavyi, N. B. Kondrikov, and P. S. Gordienko. Manganese-Containing Anodic Layers on Titanium // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2003. V. 76. №7. P. 1059.
  7. I. V. Lukiyanchuk, V. S. Rudnev, E. S. Panin, T. A. Kaidalova, and P. S. Gordienko. Modification with Manganese of Anodic Layers Containing Tungsten Oxides // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2003. V. 76. № 10. P. 1597.

2004 y.

  1. Lukiyanchuk I.V., Rudnev V.S., Kuryavyi V.G., Boguta D.L., Bulanova S.B., Gordienko P.S. Surface morphology, composition and thermal behavior of tungsten-containing anodic spark coatings on aluminum alloy // Thin Solid Films, 2004. V. 446, № 1, P. 54-60.
  2. A. N. Chetyrbotski, I. V. Lukiyanchuk, and V. S. Rudnev. Kinetics of the Islet Growth of Anodic Spark Deposits // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2004. V. 78. № 3. P. 443.
  3. Rudnev V.S., Vasil’eva M.S., Yarovaya T.P., Kondrikov N.B., Tyrina L.M., Gordienko P.S. Способ получения оксидных катализаторов / Патент РФ: № 2241541, дата подачи заявки 30.07.03, опубликован 10.12.04. Б.И. № 34, 2004 г.
  4. V. S. Rudnev, V. P. Morozova, T. A. Kaidalova, D. L. Boguta, and P. S. Gordienko. The Effect of Polyanions Structure in the Bath on the Composition of Anodic-Spark Coatings // Protection of Metals. 2004. V. 40. № 2. P. 204.
  5. D. L. Boguta, V. S. Rudnev, and P. S. Gordienko. Current Mode Effect on the Composition and Characteristics of Anodic-Spark Coatings // Protection of Metals. 2004. V. 40. № 3. P. 275.
  6. M. S. Vasil’eva, V. S. Rudnev, N. B. Kondrikov, L. M. Tyrina, A. A. Reshetar’, and P. S. Gordienko. Catalytic Activity of Manganese-containing Layers Formed by Anodic-Spark Deposition // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. V. 77. №2. P. 218.
  7. Rudnev V.S., Морозова В.П., Kaidalova T.A. Полианионы в электролите и состав анодно-искровых слоев // Коррозия: материалы, защита 2004. №4. С. 23-28.
  8. V. S. Rudnev, M. S. Vasil’eva, I. V. Lukiyanchuk, and V. G. Kuryavyi. On the Surface Structure of Coatings Formed by Anodic Spark Method // Protection of Metals. 2004. V.40. №4. P. 352.
  9. I. V. Lukiyanchuk, V. S. Rudnev, V. G. Kuryavyi, and P. S. Gordienko. Anodic-Spark Layers on Aluminum and Titanium Alloys in Electrolytes with Sodium Phosphotungstate // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2004. V. 77. № 9. P. 1460.
  10. M. S. Vasil’eva, V. S. Rudnev, L. M. Tyrina, N. B. Kondrikov, V. G. Kuryavyi, and E. V. Shchitovskaya. Influence of Plasma-Electrolytic Treatment of Titanium on the Composition and Properties of Ruthenium-Titanium Oxide Anodes // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2004. V. 77. № 12. P. 1945.

2005 y.

  1. D. L. Boguta, V. S. Rudnev, O. P. Terleeva, V. I. Belevantsev, and A. I. Slonova. Effect of ac Polarization on Characteristics of Coatings formed from Polyphosphate Electrolytes of Ni(II) and Zn(II) // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2005. Т. 78. № 2. P. 247.
  2. Rudnev V.S., Yarovaya T.P., Nedozorov P.M. Способ плазменно-электролитического оксидирования вентильных металлов и сплавов / Патент РФ № 2263163 . Дата подачи заявки 30.07.2004. Решение о выдаче от 30.03.2005. Дата публикации 27.10.2005.
  3. Rudnev V.S., Yarovaya T.P., Nedozorov P.M., Boguta D.L. Способ нанесения защитных покрытий на алюминий и его сплавы / Патент РФ: №2263164. Дата подачи заявки 10.08.2004. Решение о выдаче от 27.04.2005.
  4. Rudnev V.S., Yarovaya T.P., Nedozorov P.M., Boguta D.L., Dushina N.E. Защитные оксидные слои на алюминии // Corrosion: Materials, Protection. 2005. №6. P.21-27.
  5. Rudnev V.S., Vasilyeva M.S., Kondricov N.B., Tyrina L.M. Plasma-electrolytic formation, composition and catalytic activity of manganese oxide containing structures on titanium // Applied Surface Science, 2005. V. 252. N 5. P. 1211-1220.
  6. Rudnev V.S., Kondrikov N.B., Tyrina L.M., Boguta D.L., Vasil’eva M.S., Лукиянчук И.В. Каталитически активные структуры на металлах // Критические технологии. Мембраны. 2005.№ 4(28). С. 63-67.
  7. M. S. Vasil’eva, V. S. Rudnev, L. M. Tyrina, N. B. Kondrikov, and A. N. Budina. Composition and Catalytic Activity of Plasma-Electrolytic Manganese Oxide Films on Titanium, Modified with Silver Compounds // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2005. V.78. №11. P.1859.
  8. Kondrikov N.B., Rudnev V.S., Vasil’eva M.S., Tyrina L.M., Yarovaya T.P., Рожков А.В. Перспективы применения в автомобилях оксидных пленочных катализаторов, сформированных плазменно-электролитическим оксидированием // Chemistry for Sustainable Development. 2005. V.13. №6. P.851-853.
  9. Rudnev V.S., Boguta D.L., Nedozorov P.M., Kaidalova T.A. Оксидно-фосфатные слои, формируемые в полифосфатных электролитах на вентильных металлах // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2005. Т. 79. №2. С.257-263.

2006 y.

  1. V.S. Rudnev, I.V. Lukiyanchuk, and V.G. Kuryavyi. Electrolytic-Plasma Oxidation in Borate Electrolytes // Protection of Metals. 2006. V.42. №1. P.55-59.
  2. V.S. Rudnev, D.L. Boguta, P.M. Nedozorov, and T.A. Kaidalova. Anodic Layers Formed in Polyphosphate Electrolytes on Rectifying Metals // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2006. V.79. №2. P.256.
  3. K.N. Kilin, V.S. Rudnev, P.M. Nedozorov and T.P. Yarovaya. Certain characteristics of zirconium-containing anodic films on aluminum // Protection of Metals. 2006. V.42. N3. P.265-271.
  4. O. P. Terleeva, V. I. Belevantsev, A. I. Slonova, D. L. Boguta and V. S. Rudnev. Comparison analysis of formation and some characteristics of microplasma coatings on aluminum and titanium alloys // Protection of Metals. 2006. V.42. N3, P.272-278.
  5. V. S. Rudnev, D. L. Boguta, K. N. Kilin, P. M. Nedozorov and T. P. Yarovaya. Zirconium-containing oxide layers on titanium // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Focus on Chemistry. 2006. V.80. N8. P.1350-1351.

2007 y.

  1. Tyrina L.M., Rudnev V.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Ustinov A.u., Sergienko V.I., Vasil’eva M.S., Kondricov N.B. Ni- and Cu-Containing Oxide Layers on Aluminum: Formation, Composition, and Catalytic Properties // Doklady Physical Chemistry. 2007. V.415. Part 1. P.183-185.
  2. Rudnev V.S. О механизмах образования анодных оксидных слоев в условиях действия электрических разрядов // Наноструктурированные оксидные пленки и покрытия. Сб. ст. –Петрозаводск:изд-во КГПУ, 2007. С.11-26.
  3. Rudnev V.S. Многокомпонентные анодные оксидно-фосфатные слои на алюминии и титане // Наноструктурированные оксидные пленки и по-крытия. Сб. ст. –Петрозаводск: изд-во КГПУ, 2007. С.57-76.
  4. I. V. Lukiyanchuk and V. S. Rudnev. Tungsten oxide films on aluminum and titanium // Inorganic Materials. 2007. V.43. N3. P.264-267.
  5. V. S. Rudnev. Growth of anodic oxide layers under electric discharge conditions // Protection of Metals. 2007. V.43. N3. P.275-280.
  6. Rudnev V.S., Yarovaya T.P., Лысенко А.Е., Nedozorov P.M. Душина Н.Е. Влияние условий формирования на характеристики оксидных защитных пленок на алюминии // Коррозия: материалы, защита. 2007. №5. С.38-42.
  7. Rudnev V.S., Lysenko A.E., Nedozorov, P.M., Yarovaya T.P., Minaev A.N. Thermal Behavior of an Oxide Layer on Aluminum // Protection of Metals. 2007. V.43. N5. P.465–469.
  8. Rudnev V.S., Kilin K.N., Nedozorov P.M., Ustinov A.Yu., Yarovaya T.P., Kaidalova T.A. Oxide-Phosphate Layers with Zirconium Compounds on Titanium // Protection of Metals. 2007. V.43. N6. P.542-547.
  9. V. S. Rudnev, M. S. Vasil’eva, M. V. Bondarenko, V. G. Kuryavyi and N. B. Kondrikov. Cobalt-containing layers on titanium // Inorganic Materials. 2007. V.43. N6. P.642-644.
  10. Rudnev V.S., Morozova V.P., Kaidalova T.A., Nedozorov P.M. Iron- and Nickel-Containing Oxide–Phosphate Layers on Aluminum and Titanium // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2007. V.52. N9. P.1350–1354.

2008 y.

  1. Rudnev V.S., Kilin K.N., Yarovaya T.P., Nedozorov P.M. Oxide zirconium containing films on titanium // Protection of Metals. 2008. V.44. №1. P.62-64.
  2. H.X. Li, V.S. Rudnev, X.H. Zheng, T.P. Yarovaya, R.G. Song. Characterization of Al2O3 ceramic coatings on 6063 aluminum alloy prepared in borate electrolytes by micro-arc oxidation // Journal of Alloys and Compounds V.462. Issues 1-2. 25 August 2008. P.99-102.
  3. Rudnev V.S. Анодно- оксидные слои сложного состава и перспективы их применения для покрытий на легких сплавах // Технология легких сплавов. 2007. №2. С.121-126.
  4. Lysenko A.E., Rudnev V.S., Vaganov-Vil’kins A.A. О термоустойчивости плазменно-электролитических анодных плёнок на алюминии и титане // Korroziya: Materialy, Zashchita. 2008. №3. P.25-29.
  5. Rudnev V.S. Multiphase Anodic Layers and Prospecte of Their Application // Protection of metals. 2008. V.44. N3. P.263-272.
  6. Lukiyanchuk I.V., Tyrina L.M., Rudnev V.S., Ustinov A.Yu., Nedozorov P.M., Vasil’eva M.S. Catalytic properties of alumi-num/nickel-, copper- containing oxide film compositions // Kinetica and Catalysis. 2008. V.49. N3. P.439-445.
  7. Rudnev V.S., Morozova V.P. Films Containing Nickel and Iron Compounds on Aluminum and Titanium // Protection of metals. 2008. Vol.44. N5. P.471-474.
  8. Rudnev V.S., Yarovaya T.P., Nedozorov P.M. The plasma-electrolytic Formation of Cerium-Containing Surface Structures on Titanium and Aluminum // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2008. V.82. N5. P.826-829.
  9. Rudnev V.S., Yarovaya T.P., Kaidalova T.A., Nedozorov P.M. Growth of Cerium-containing Films on Titanium and Aluminum // Inorganic materials. 2008. V.44. N6. P.586-590.
  10. Rudnev V.S., Yarovaya T.P., Lysenko A.E., Nedozorov P.M., Dushina N.E. The Influence of the Conditions of Forming on The Characteristics of the Oxide Protective Films on Aluminum // Protection of Metals. 2008. Vol.44. №7. P.715-720.
  11. Rudnev V.S., Yarovay T.P., Nedozorov P.M., Kaidalova T.A. Oxide Layers with Titanium and Zirconium Posphates // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2008. Vol.53. N.9. P.1347-1352

2009 y.

  1. Rudnev V.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Kuryavyi V.G. Micrograins on Surface of Anodic Films // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2009. V.45. N1. P.71-74.
  2. Lukiyanchuk I.V., Rudnev V.S., Nedozorov P.M., Malyshev I.V., Kaidalova T.A., Lukiyanchuk G.D. Состав и защитные характеристики молибденсодержащих оксидных слоев на сплаве алюминия // Вестник ДВО РАН. 2009. № 2(144). С.72-76.
  3. Kondrikov N. B., Rudnev V.S., Shchitovskaya E.V., Хабалов В.В., Моргун Н.П., Vasil’eva M.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Ustinov A.Yu., Tyrina L.M., Kuryavyi V.G., Artem А.П., Цветнов М.А. Исследования в области адсорбции, катализа и электрокатализа на углеродных материалах, оксидных и наноструктурных покрытиях на металлах. Вестник ДВО РАН. 2009. №2(144). С.77-83.
  4. Rudnev V.S.,Ustinov A.Yu., Lukijyanchuk I.V., Харитонский П.В., Фролов А.М., Морозова В.П., Ткаченко И.А., Сергиенко В.И. Магнитные свойства плазменно-электролитических железосодержащих оксидных покрытий на алюминии // Доклады Академии наук, физическая химия. 2009. Т.428. №3. С.349-352.
  5. Tyrina L.M., Rudnev V.S., Ustinov A.Yu., Lukijyanchuk I.V., Nedozorov P.M. Pt-containing oxide layers on titanium and Aluminum // Inorganic Materials. 2009. V.45. N4. P.414-417.
  6. Rudnev V.S., Vasilyeva M.S, Ustinov A.Y., Nedozorov P.M. Certain characteristics of Nickel-containing and copper-containing oxide-phosphate layers on titanium // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2009. V.45. N5. P.576-579.
  7. Rudnev V.S. Lysenko A.E, Ustinov A.Y. Features of wetting with water of anodic plasma-electrochemical coatings on aluminum and titanium // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2009. V.45. N5. P.600-604.
  8. Lukiyanchuk I.V., Tyrina L.M., Rudnev V.S. Catalytic features of Ni-, Cu-containing oxide film/aluminum alloy combinations // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2009. V.45. N5. P.580-582.
  9. Rudnev V.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Tyrina L.M., Wybornova S., Staedler Tosten, Vasilyeva M.S. Surface Structure of Multicomponent Oxide Coatings on Titanium // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2009. V.45. N6. P.713-716.
  10. Rudnev V.S., Karimova S.A., Yarovaya T.P., Nedozorov P.M., Abusin Yu.A. Oxide Coatings on Al/SiC Composite Formed by Plasma-Electrochemical Method // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2009. V.45. N6. P.769-773.
  11. Lukiyanchuk I.V., Rudnev V.S., Tyrina L.M., Nedozorov P.M., Berestok O.G. Formation, structure, composition and catalytic properties of Ni-, Cu-, Mn-, Fe- and Co-containing films on aluminum // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2009. V.82. N6. P.1000-1007.
  12. Vasilyeva M.S., Rudnev V.S., Ustinov A.Y., Kuryavyi V.G., Sklyarenko O.V., Kondrikov N.B. Nicel- and Copper-Containing Oxide Films on Titanium // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2009. V.54. N11. P.1708-1712.

2010 y.

  1. Rudnev V.S., Tyrina L.M., Ustinov A.Yu., Vybornova S., Lukiyanchuk I.V. Comparative Analysis of the Composition, Structure, and Catalytic Activity of the NiO–CuO–TiO2 on Titanium and NiO–CuO–Al2O3 on Aluminum Composites // Kinetics and Catalysis. 2010. V.51. No.2. Р.266–272.
  2. Vasil’eva M.S., Rudnev V.S., Ustinov A.Yu., Nedozorov P.M., Kondricov N.B. Plasma-Electrochemical Forma-tion of Oxide Layers on Titanium in Aqueous Electrolytes with Trilonate Complexes of Manganese // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2010. V.83. N3. P.434-439.
  3. Rudnev V.S., Yarovaya T.P., Kilin K.N., Malyshev I.V. Plasma-Electrolytic Oxidation of Rectifying Metals in Zr(IV)-Containing Baths // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2010. V.46. N4. P.456-452.
  4. Rudnev V.S., Yarovaya T.P., Egorkin V.S., Sinebryukhov S.L, Gnedenkov S.V. Properties of Coatings Formed on Titanium by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation in a Phosphate–Borate Electrolyte // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2010. V.83. N4. P.664-670.
  5. L.M. Tyrina, V.S. Rudnev, T.P. Yarovaya, A.Yu. Ustinov, I.V. Lukiyanchuk, V.V. Permyakov. Deposition, Composition, and Activity in CO Oxidation of Anodic Layers with Platinum on Aluminum and Titanium // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2010. V.83. N4. P.680-686.
  6. Rudnev V. S., Morozova V.P., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Adigamova M.V. Calcium-Containing Biocompatible Oxide-Phosphate Coatings on Titanium // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2010. V.83. N4. P.671-679.
  7. Vasilyeva M.S., Rudnev V.S., Ustinov A.Yu., Korotenko I.A., Modin E.B., Voitenko O.V. Cobalt-containing oxide layers on titanium, their composition, morphology, and catalytic activity in CO oxidation // Applied Surface Science. 2010. V.257. №4. P.1239-1246.
  8. Rudnev V. S., Ustinov A. Yu., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Kharitonskii P.V., Frolov A.M., Tkachenko I.A., Morozova V.P. Magnetoactive Oxide Layers Formed on Titanium by Plasma Electrolytic Technique // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2010. V.46. N5. P.566-572.
  9. Vasil’eva M. S., Rudnev V. S., Korotenko I. A., Ustinov A. Yu. Producing and Investigating Oxide Coatings Containing Manganese and NickelCompounds on Tita-nium from Electrolyte Suspensions // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2010. V.46. N5. P.594-599.
  10. Rudnev V.S., Medkov M..A., Steblevskaya N.I., Lukiyanchuk I. V., Tyrina L.M., Belobeletskaya M.V. Pt/SiO2 and Pt/TiO2/Ti Compositions and Their Catalytic Properties. Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. 2010. V.44. N5. P.841-844.
  11. Medkov M..A., Steblevskaya N.I., Lukiyanchuk I. V., Rudnev V.S., Tyrina L.M., Kuryavyi V.G., Epov D.G. Eu2O3/SiO2 Nanocomposites Obtained by Extraction Pyrolysis // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. 2010. V.44. N5. P.785-787.
  12. I.V. Lukiyanchuk, V.S. Rudnev, P.M. Nedozorov. The organization of the Surface of Multicomponent Plasma-Electrolytic Anode Layers on Aluminum // Russian Journaj of Physical Chemistry A. 2010. V.84. N6. P.1059-1064.
  13. Rudnev V. S., Kilin K.N., Malyshev I.V., Yarovaya T. P., Nedozorov P.M., Popovich A.A. Plasma-Electrolytic Oxidation of Titanium in Zr(SO4)2-containing Bath // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2010, V.46, N 6. P.704-709.
  14. Rudnev V. S., Yarovaya T. P., Gaivaronsskaya K.A., Nedozorov P.M., Kaidalova T.A., Didenko N.A., Gerasimenko A.V. Мох - ZrO2 Coatings with М = Al, Mg, Zr, Ti and Nb on Rectifying Meyals // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2010. V.46. №6. P.710-714.
  15. Vasil’eva M.S., Rudnev V.S., Sklyarenko O.E., Tyrina L.M., Kondrikov N.B. Titanium-Supported Nickel-Copper Oxide Catalyses for Oxidation of Carbon(II) Oxide // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2010. V.80. №8. P.1557-1562.
  16. Rudnev V.S., Tyrina L.M., Zorin A.V., Permyakov V.V. Composition, Structure, and Catalytic Activity of Ni- and Cu-containing Plasma-Electrolytic Coatinds on Titanium // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2010. V.83. N9. P.1576-1580.
  17. P.V. Kharitonskii, A.M. Frolov, V.S. Rudnev, A.Yu. Ustinov, I.V. Lukiyanchuk and V.P. Morozova. Magnetic properties of iron-containing coatings formed by plasma-electrolytic oxidation // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2010. V.74. №10. P.1404-1406.

2011 y.

  1. Lebuhova N.V., Rudnev V.S., Chigrin P.G., Makarevich K.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Karpovich N.F. Композиции Li2Cu2(MoO4)3/TiO2+SiO2/Ti для каталитического дожига дизельной сажи // Катализ в промышленности. 2011. №2. P.47-52.
  2. Marina S. Vasilyevaa, Vladimir S. Rudnevb, Florian Wiedenmannc, Svetlana Wybornova, Tatyana P. Yarovaya, Xin Ji-ang. Thermal behavior and catalytic activity in naphthalene destruction of Ce-, Zr- and Mn-containing oxide layers on titanium // Applied Surface Science. 2011. V.258. N2. P.719-726.
  3. Rudnev V.S., Vaganov-Vil’kins A.A., Ustinov A.Yu., Nedozorov P.M. Carbon in Oxide Layers Formed under Electric Discharge Conditions // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2011. V.47. N3. P.330 - 338.
  4. Rudnev V.S., Yarovaya T.P., Nedozorov P.M., Ustinov A. Yu., Tyrina L. M., Malyshev I. V., Kuryavyi V.G., Egorkin V.S., Sinebryukhov S.L., Gnedenkov S.V. Obtaining ZrO2+CeOx+TiO2/Ti Compositions by Plasma-Electrolytic Oxidation of Titanium and Investigating Their Properties // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2011. V.47. N5. P.621-628.
  5. Medkov M.A., Grischenko D.N., Steblevskaya N.I., Malyshev I.V., Rudnev V.S., Kudryavyi V.G. Syntesis of nanosized powders and coatings of calcium phosphates // Theoretical Foundationsof Chemical Engineering. 2012. V.46. N5. P.541-545.
  6. Tyrina L.M., Rudnev V.S., Nedozorov P.M., Ustiniov A.Yu., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Kaidalova T.A. Preparation, Properties, and Catalytic Activity of Platinum-Modified Plasma Electrolytic Oxide Structures on Aluminum // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2011. V.56. N.9. P.1429-1435.
  7. Rudnev V.S., Vasilieva M.S., Nedozorov P.M., Korotenko I.A., Vaganov-Vil’kins. Distribution of Elements in the Surface Layer of Plasma-Electrolytic Coatings Formed on Titanium in Electrolytes with MnO2 Particles // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2011. V.85. N10. P.1798-1803.
  8. Rudnev V., Ustinov A., Lukiyanchuk I., Kharitonskii P., Frolov A., Morozova V., Tkachenko I., Adigamova M. Magnetic Properties of Plasma Electrolytic Iron-Containing Oxide Coatings on Aluminum and Simulation of Demagnetizing Process // Solid State Phenomena Vols. 168-169. 2011. P.289-291.
  9. Rudnev V.S., Tyrina L.M., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Yarovaya T.P., Malyshev I.V., Ustinov A.Yu., P.M. Nedozorov, Kaidalova T.A. Titanium-supported Ce-, Zr-containing oxide coatings modified by platinum or nickeland copper oxides and their catalytic activity in CO oxidation // Surface & Coatings Technology 2011. V/206. P.417–424.

2012 y.

  1. Vasil’eva M.S. Rudnev V.S. Korotenko I.A., Nedozorov P.M. Producing and Studying Oxide Coatings Containing Manganases and Nicel Compounds on Titanium from Electrolyte Suspensions // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2012. V.48. N1. P.106-115.
  2. Vasil’eva M.S. Rudnev V.S. The Effect of Annealing on the Composition and Morphology of the Surface of Ni-containing Oxide Layers on Titanium Formed by Plasma-Electrolytic Method // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2012. V.85. N4. P.575-579.
  3. Rudnev V.S. Medkov M.A. Yarovaya T.P. Steblevskaya Nedozorov P.M. Belobeletskaya M.V. Combination of Plasma-Electrolytic Oxidation and Extrac-tion-Pyrolytic Method for Forma-tion of Metal Oxide Layers // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2012. V.85. N4. P.621-628.
  4. Rudnev V.S., Adigamova M.V., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Ustinov A.Yu., Tkachenko I.A., Kharitonskii P.V., Frolov A.M., Morozova V.P. The Effect of the Conditions of Formation on Ferromagnetic Properties of Iron-Containing Oxide Coatings on Titanium // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2012. V.48. N5. P.543-552.
  5. Rudnev V.S., Adigamova M.V., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Ustinov A.Yu., Tkachenko I.A., Kharitonskii P.V., Frolov A.M., Morozova V.P. The Thermal Effect on Magnetic Properties of Iron-Containing Coatings Formed on Titanium by Plasma-Electrolytic Oxidation // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2012. V.48. N5. P.671-677.
  6. Rudnev V.S., Vasil’eva M.S., Lukianchuk I.V., Chernykh I.V. Deposition of Cobalt-Containing Films on Titanium by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2012. V.85. N6. P.953-956.
  7. Rudnev V.S., Vaganov-Vil’kins A.A, Nedozorov P.M., Yarovaya T.P., Chigrinova N.M. Formation of Oxide Layers Modified with Polytetrafluoro-ethylene or Graphite on Aluminum and Titanium Alloys by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2012. V.85. N8. P.1147-1152.
  8. Rudnev V.S., Wybornov S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Staedler T., Jiang X., Ustinov A.Yu., Vasilyeva M.S. Thermal behavior of Ni- and Cu-containing plasma electrolytic oxide coatings on titanium // Applied Surface Science. 2012. V.258. N22. P.8667-8672.

2013 y.

  1. Rudnev V. S., Vaganov-Vil'kins A. A., Nedozorov P. M., et al. Hybrid polytetrafluoroethylene oxide coatings on aluminum and titanium formed by plasma-electrolytic oxidation // Protection of metals and physical chemistry of surfaces. Volume: 49. Issue: 1. Pages: 87-94. 2013.
  2. Rudnev V. S., Medkov M. A., Nedozorov P. M., et al. Tantalum oxide-modified calcium phosphate coatings on titanium for biomedical applications // Russian journal of applied chemistry. Volume: 86. Issue: 1. Pages: 119-123. 2013.
  3. Vasilyeva M. S., Rudnev V. S., Smirnov I. S.An effect of heat processing on catalytic activity of a system MnO (x) ,SiO2/TiO2/Ti // Russian journal of applied chemistry. Volume: 86. Issue: 1. Pages: 112-115. 2013.
  4. Marinina Galina I., Vasilyeva Marina S., Lapina Antonina S., Rudnev V. S., et al. Electroanalytical properties of metal-oxide electrodes formed by plasma electrolytic oxidation // Journal of electroanalytical chemistry. Volume: 689. Pages: 262-268. 2013.
  5. Chernykh I. V., Lukiyanchuk I. V., Rudnev V. S., et al. Silicate coatings on titanium modified with transition metal oxides and their activity in CO oxidation // Russian journal of applied chemistry. Volume: 86. Issue: 3. Pages: 319-325. 2013.
  6. Rudnev V. S., Morozova V. P., Lukiyanchuk I. V., et al. Magnetic properties of plasma-electrolytic iron-containing oxide coatings on aluminum alloy // Protection of metals and physical chemistry of surfaces. Volume: 49. Issue: 3. Pages: 309-318. 2013.
  7. Steblevskaya N. I., Medkov M. A., Rudnev V. S., et al. Catalytically active coatings of noble metals and oxides of rare-earth elements // Russian journal of applied chemistry. Volume: 86. Issue: 5. Pages: 727-732. 2013.
  8. Rudnev V. S., Morozova V. P., Lukiyanchuk I. V., et al. Oxide layers with ferro- and ferrimagnetic characteristics formed on aluminum via plasma electrolytic oxidation // Russian journal of physical chemistry A. Volume: 87. Issue: 6. Pages: 1052-1056. 2013.
  9. Rudnev V. S., Ustinov A. Yu., Vaganov-Vil'kins A. A., et al. Fabrication of polytetrafluoroethylene- and graphite-containing oxide layers on aluminum and titanium and their structure // Russian journal of physical chemistry a. Volume: 87. Issue: 6. Pages: 1021-1026. 2013.
  10. Lukiyanchuk I. V., Rudnev V. S., Chernykh I. V., et al. Composites with transition metal oxides on aluminum and titanium and their activity in CO oxidation // Surface & coatings technology. Volume: 231. Pages: 433-438. 2013.
  11. Lebukhova N. V., Rudnev V. S., Chigrin P. G., et al. The nanostructural catalytic composition CuMoO4/TiO2 + SiO2/Ti for combustion of diesel soot // Surface & coatings technology. Volume: 231. Pages: 144-148. 2013.
  12. Rudnev V. S., Medkov M. A., Kilin K. N., et al. Plasma-Electrolytic Formation of Ta-Containing Oxide Coatings on Titanium. Their Composition and Properties // Protection of metals and physical chemistry of surfaces. Volume: 49. Issue: 6. Pages: 717-723. 2013.
  13. Oleinik S. V., Rudnev V. S., Kuzenkov A. Yu., et al. Modification of plasma electrolytic coatings on aluminum alloys with corrosion inhibitors // Protection of metals and physical chemistry of surfaces. Volume: 49. Issue: 7. Pages: 885-890. 2013.
  14. Rudnev V.S., Kilin K.N., Medkov M.A., Luk’yanchuk I.V., and Dmitrieva E.E. Та-Containing Oxide Coatings on Titanium for Biomedical Application // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2013. Vol.86. No9. P.1333−1339.

2014 y.

  1. Lukiyanchuk I.V., Chernykh I.V., Rudnev V.S., Ustinov A.Yu., Tyrina L.M., Nedozorov P.M., Dmitrieva E.E. Catalytically Active Cobalt–Copper Oxide Layers on Alumi-num and Titanium // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2014, Vol. 50, No. 2, P209-217.
  2. Rudnev V. S., Wybornov S., Lukiyanchuk I. V., Chernykh I. V. Growth of Nanowires on the Surfaces of Multicomponent Oxide Coatings on Titanium // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2014, Vol. 50, No. 2, P.191-194
  3. Kharitonskii P., Frolov A., Boev S.A., Rudnev V.S, Tkachenko I.A., Morozova V.P, Lukiyanchuk I.V., Adigamova M.V., Ustinov A.Yu. Influence of magnetostatic interactions on magnetiz ation process of iron-containing coatings, produced using the plasma electrolytic oxidation method // Solid State Phenomena. 2014. V.215. P.200-203
  4. Lukiyanchuk I.V., Papynov E.K., Rudnev V.S., Avramenko V.A., Chernykh I.V., Tyrina L.M., Ustinov A.Yu., Kuryavyi V.G., Marinin D.V. Oxide layers with Pd-containing nanoparticles on titanium // Applied Catalysis A: General. 2014. V.485. P. 222–229.
  5. Rudnev V. S., Lukiyanchuk I. V., Adigamova M.V., Ustinov A. Yu., Kharitonskii P. V., Frolov A. M., Tkachenko I. A., Morozova V. P. Application of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation for the Formation of Magnetoactive Oxide Layes // Advanced Materials Research, 2014. V.875-877. P.341-345.
  6. Vasilyeva M.S., Rudnev V.S. Composition, Surface Structure and Catalytic Properties of Manganeseand // Advanced Materials Research, 2014. V.875-877. P. 351-355.
  7. Rudnev V.S., Boguta D.L., Yarovaya T.P., Nedozorov P.M. Coatings Based on Niobium Oxides and Phosphates Formed on Niobium Alloy // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2014. V. 50. N 2. P. 360-362.
  8. Medkov M.A., Grishchenko D.N., Rudnev V.S., Kuryavyi V.G., Gordienko P.S. Formation of glass-ceramic coatings on bioinert substrates // Glass and Ceramics. 2014. V. 70. N. 11-12. P. 417-421.
  9. Lukiyanchuk I. V., Rudnev V.S., Tyrina L.M., Chernykh I.V. Plasma electrolytic oxide coatings on valve metals and their activity in CO oxidation // Applied Surface Science. - 2014. V. 315. P. 481-489.
  10. Vasilyeva M.S., Artem’yanov A.P., Rudnev V.S., Kondrikov N.B. / The porous structure of silicon-containing surface layers formed on titanium by plasma-electrolytic oxidation // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2014. V. 50. N 4. P. 499-507.
  11. Tyrina L.M., Rudnev V.S., Ustinov A.Yu., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Nedozorov P.M., Chernykh I.V., Dmitrieva E.E. / Oxide Coatings Modified with Transition and Rare-Earth Metals on Aluminum and Their Activity in CO Oxidation // Protec-tion of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2014. V. 50. N 4. P. 508-515.
  12. Rudnev V.S., Morozova V.P., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Adigamova M.V., Tkachenko I.A., Ustinov A.Yu., Kharitonskii P.V., Frolov A.M. Structures and magnetic properties of iron and cobalt-containing oxide coatings on an aluminum alloy formed in electrolytes via plasma electrolytic oxidation // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2014. V. 88. N 5. P. 863-869.
  13. Rudnev V.S., Medkov M.A., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Steblevskaya N.I., Kilin K.N., Belobeletskaya M.V. / Ta-containing coatings formed on titanium and stainless steel by plasma electrolytic oxidation and/or extraction pyrolysis // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2014. V. 258. P. 1232-1238.
  14. Rudnev V.S., Adigamova M.V., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Tkachenko I.A., Morozova V.P., Ustinov A.Yu., Kharitonskii P.V., Frolov A.M. Magnetic Characteristics of Iron-Modified Oxide Layers on Titanium // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2014. V. 88. N 12. P. 2244–2250.

2015 y.

  1. N.V. Lebukhova, V.S. Rudnev, E.A. Kirichenko, P.G. Chigrin, I.V. Lukiyanchuk, N.F. Karpovich, M.A. Pugachevsky, V.G. Kurjavyj. The structural catalyst CuMoO4/TiO2/TiO2 + SiO2/Ti for diesel soot combustion // Surface & Coatings Technology. V.261 (2015) P.344–349.
  2. Rudnev V.S., Adigamova M.V., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Tkachenko I.A., Morozova V.P. Structure and magnetic characteristics of iron-modified titania layers on titanium // J. of Alloys and Compounds. V.618, 2015. P.623-628.
  3. V.S. Rudnev, I.V. Lukiyanchuk, M.V. Adigamova, V.P. Morozova, I.A. Tkachenko. The effect of nanocrystallites in the pores of PEO coatings on their magnetic properties // Surface & Coatings Technology. V.269. 2015. P.23–29.
  4. V. S. Rudnev, T. P. Yarovaya, M. A. Medkov, P. M. Nedozorov, K. N. Kilin, I. V. Lukiyanchuk, and A. Yu. Ustinov. Coatings with Calcium and Strontium Phosphates and Tantalum Oxide on Titanium for Biomedical Applications // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2015, Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 968–972.
  5. V.S. Rudnev, N.I. Steblevskaya, K.N. Kilin, M.A. Medkov, I.A. Tkachenko, M.V. Belobeletskaya, M.V. Adigamova, I.V. Lukiyanchuk, P.M. Nedozorov, K.I. Yanushkevich. Composition, structure, magnetic and luminescent properties of EuFeO3/TiO2/Ti composites fabricated by combination of plasma electrolytic oxidation and extraction pyrolysis // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. V.647, 2015. P.699-706.
  6. V.S.Rudnev, M.S.Vasilyeva, M.A.Medkov, P.M.Nedozorov, K.N.Kilin. Fabrication of oxide coatings containing bismuth silicate or bismuth titanate on titanium // Vacuum. V. 122 (2015). P. 59-65

2016 y.

  1. Steblevskaya N.I., Belobeletskaya M.V., Medkov M.A., Rudnev V. S. Low-Temperature Extraction-Pyrolytic Synthesis of Functional Composites // International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR). 2016. V. 2. N 6. P. 29-36.
  2. Rudnev V.S., Steblevskaya N.I., Kilin K.N., Medkov M.A., Tkachenko I.A., Belobeletskaya M.V., Adigamova M.V., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Nedozorov P.M. EuFeO3/TiO2/Ti composites: formation, composition, magnetic and luminescent properties // Solid State Phenomena, 2016. V. 245. P. 178-181.
  3. Rudnev V.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Adigamova M.V., Morozova V.P., Tkachenko I.A. Nanocrystallites in the pores and magnetic properties of PEO coatings // Solid State Phenomena, 2016. V. 245. P. 190-194.
  4. M.S. Vasilyeva, V.S. Rudnev, A.Yu. Ustinov. Composition, structure, and catalytic activity of SiO2+TiO2/Ti and MnOx+SiO2+TiO2/Ti composites formed by combination of the methods of plasma electrolytic oxidation, impregnation and annealing // Solid State Phenomena, 2016. V. 245. P. 238-242.
  5. Medkov M. A., Rudnev V. S., Yarovaya T. P., Steblevskaya N. I, Nedozorov P. M., Be-lobeletskaya M. V., Grishchenko D. N., Lukiyanchuk I. V. Application of the Extraction-Pyrolysis Method in Formation of Bioactive Coatings // Theoretical Foundations of Chemi-cal Engineering. 2016. V. 50. N. 4, P. 483–489.
  6. Adigamova M.V., Rudnev V.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Morozova V.P., Tkachenko I.A., Kvach A.A. The effect of Fe-containing colloid particles in electrolyte on the composition and magnetic characteristics of oxide layers on titanium formed using the method of plasma electrolytic oxidation // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2016. V. 52. No 3. P. 526-531.
  7. Kokatev A.N., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Yakovleva N.M., Rudnev V.S., Chupakhina E.A., Yakovlev A.N., Stepanova K.V. Catalytically active composite materials with porous aluminum oxide matrix modified by γ-MnO2 nanoparticles // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2016. V. 52. No. 5. P. 832–838.
  8. Lebukhova N.V., Rudnev V.S., Kirichenko E.A., Chigrin P.G., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Yarovaya T.P. Effect of the structure of the oxidized titanium surface on the particle size and properties of the deposited copper-molybdate catalyst // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2016. V. 52. N 6, P. 1024–1030.
  9. Vasilyeva M.S., Rudnev V.S., Arefieva O.D., Lapina A.S., Plyusnina V.I., Marinina G.I. Ti/TiO2 indicator electrodes formed by plasma-electrolytic oxidation for potentiometric analysis // International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 2016. V.96. N12. P.1128-1144.
  10. Lukiyanchuk I.V., Rudnev V.S., Tyrina L.M. Plasma electrolytic oxide layers as promising systems for catalysis // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2016. V.307. P. 1183–1193.
  11. Rudnev V.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Vasilyeva M.S., Medkov M.A., Adigamova M.V., Sergienko V.I. Aluminum- and titanium-supported plasma electrolytic multicomponent coatings with magnetic, catalytic, biocide or biocompatible properties // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2016. V. 307. P. 1219–1235.
  12. Rudnev V.S., Vaganov-Vil'kins A.A., Yarovaya T.P., Pavlov A.D. Polytetrafluoroethylene-oxide coatings on aluminum alloys // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2016. V.307. P. 1249–1254.
  13. Vasilyeva M.S., Rudnev V.S., Zvereva A.A., Kilin K.N., Sergeev A.A., Sergeeva K.A., Ne-ponyaschiy A.V., Voznesenskiy S.S., Ustinov A.Yu. Characterization and photocatalytic ac-tivity of SiO2, FeOx coatings formed by plasma electrolytic oxidation of titanium // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2016. V. 307. P. 1310–1314.

2017 y.

  1. S.V. Oleynik,V.S. Rudnev, Yu.A. Kuzenkov, T.P. Jarovaja, L.F. Trubetskaja, P.M. Nedozorov. Protective properties of PEO coatings modifiedby corrosion inhibitors on aluminum alloys // Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., 2017, v. 6, no. 2, 91–111.
  2. Rudnev V.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Serov M.M., Krit B.L., Lukiyanchuk G.D., Farafonov D.P. Catalytic properties of metallic fibers fabricated by tempering of melt on a rotating heatreceiver // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2017. Т. 53. № 2. С. 287-293.
  3. Steblevskaya N.I., Belobeletskaya M.V., Medkov M.A., Rudnev V.S. Extraction-pyrolytic synthesis and luminescent properties of europium and terbium polytantalates // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2017. Т. 62. № 3. С. 275-280.
  4. Rudnev V. S., Yarovaya T. P., Nedozorov P. M., Mansurov Yu. N. Wear-Resistant Oxide Coatings on Aluminum Alloy Formed in Borate and Silicate Aqueous Electrolytes by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2017, V. 53, N. 3, Р. 466–474.
  5. Rudnev V.S., Adigamova M.V., Tkachenko I.A., Sergienko V.I., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Morozova V.P., Medkov M.A., Yanushkevich K.I., Aplesnin S.S. Effect of electrolyte components on the magnetic and magnetoresistive characteristics of Fe-containing plasma electrolytic oxide coatings on titanium // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2017. Т. 91. № 3. С. 599-603.
  6. Vasilieva M. S., Rudnev V. S., Tarabrina D. A. Photocatalytic Properties of Zn- and Cd-Containing Oxide Layers on Titanium Formed by Plasma-Electrolytic Oxidation // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2017, V. 53, N. 4, Р. 711-715.
  7. Rudnev V. S., Adigamova M. V., Tkachenko I. A., Yanushkevich K. I., Lukiyanchuk I. V., Morozova V. P. Composition and Magnetic Characteristics of Plasma Electrolytic Oxide Coatings on Titanium // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2017, V. 53, N. 5, Р. 826-834.
  8. Vasilyeva M. S., Rudnev V. S., Sergeev A. A., Sergeeva K. A, Nepomnyashchii A. V., Ustinov A. Yu., Zvereva A. A., Kilin K. N., Voznesenskii S. S. Composition, Structure, and Photocatalytic Properties of Fe-Containing Oxide Layers on Titanium // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2017, V. 53, N. 5, Р. 879-888.
  9. Rudnev V. S., Morozova V. P., Lukiyanchuk I. V., Tkachenko I. A., Adigamova M. V., Nedozorov P. M. The Effect of Iron Precursors in an Electrolyte on the Formation, Composition, and Magnetic Properties of Oxide Coatings on Titanium // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2017, V. 53, N. 6, Р. 1005-1014.
  10. Koblova E.A., Ustinov A. Yu., Rudnev V.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Chernykh I.V. An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of Ni,Cu-containing coatings formed by plasma electrolytic oxidation on aluminum and titanium // Journal of Structural Chemistry. Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 1129-1136, 2017.
  11. Steblevskaya N. I., Rudnev V. S., Belobeletskaya M.B., Medkov M. A., T. P. Yarovaya, Nedozorov P. M. Fabrication and Luminescence Properties of Europium Oxysulfide/(ZrO2 + TiO2)/Ti Composites // Inorganic Materials, 2017, Vol. 53, No. 11, pp. 1185–1188.
  12. Rudnev V.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Vasilyeva M.S., Morozova V.P., Zelikman V.M., Tarkhanova I.G. W-containing oxide layers obtained on aluminum and titanium by PEO as catalysts in thiophene oxidation // Applied Surface Science 422 (2017) 1007–1014.
  13. Petr Kharitonskii, Vladimir Rudnev, Elena Sergienko, Kamil Gareev, Ivan Tkachenko, Vera Morozova, Irina Lukiyanchuk, Maria Adigamova, Anatoly Frolov, Alexander Ustinov. Peculiarities of Magnetic States of Iron-Cobalt Coatings Formed on Aluminum by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation // J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., 2017,

2018 y.

  1. Lukiyanchuk I.V., Rudnev V.S., Serov M.M., Krit B.L., Lukiyanchuk G.D., Nedozorov P.M. Effect of copper coating on fibers made of aluminum alloy, titanium, and FeCrAl alloy on surface morphology and activity in CO oxidation // Applied Surface Science. 2018. V. 436. P. 1-10.
  2. Vasilyeva M.S., Rudnev V.S., Zvereva A.А., Ustinov A.Yu, Arefieva O.D., Kuryavyi V.G., Zverev G.A. FeOx,SiO2,TiO2/Ti composites prepared using plasma electrolytic oxidation as photo-Fenton-like catalysts for phenol degradation // Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 2018. V. 356. P. 38-45.
  3. Oleynik S.V., Rudnev V.S., Kuzenkov Yu.A., Jarovaja T.P., Trubetskaja L.F., Degtiarenko N.N., Nedozorov P.M. The protective properties of coatings on a magnesium alloy formed by plasma electrolytic oxidation in silicate electrolytes // International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition. 2018. V. 7. N 1. P. 78-86.
  4. Vaganov-Vil’kins A.A., Rudnev V.S., Pavlov A.D., Sukhoverkhov S.V. Compositions of composite polymer-oxide coatings on aluminum from pyrolytic gas chromatography mass-spectrometry data // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, 2018. V. 54. N 3. Р. 442-447.
  5. Rudnev V.S., Vaganov-Vil’kins A.A., Nedozorov P.M. Characteristics of Plasma-Electrolytic Oxide Coatings Formed on Aluminum and Titanium in Electrolytes with Siloxane Acrylate and Particles of Vanadium, Boron, and Aluminum Oxides // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2018. V. 91. N. 6. P. 942-947.
  6. Rudnev V.S., Sergienko E.S., Kharitonskii P.V. Gareev K.G., Kosterov A.A., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Adigamova M.V., Morozova V.P. Iron Distribution and Ferromagnetic Characteristics of Fe-Containing PEO Coatings on Aluminum // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2018. V. 54. No. 5. P. 830-833.
  7. Adigamova M.V., Rudnev V.S., Sergienko E.S., Kharitonskii P.V., Gareev K.G., Kosterov A.A., Lukyanchuk I.V., Morozova V.P. The Iron Distribution and Ferromagnetic Areas in PEO Coatings // Defect and Diffusion Forum. 2018. V. 386. Р. 296-300.
  8. Vasilyeva M.S., Rudnev V.S., Zykova E.S., Ustinov A. Yu., Sergeeva K.A., Nepomnyaschiy A.V., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Marinina G.I. FTi/TiO2,Au Electrodes Prepared by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation and Electron Beam Evaporation // Defect and Diffusion Forum. 2018. V. 386. Р. 326-331.
  9. Vasilyeva M.S., Rudnev V.S. Manganese-Containing Nanostructured Oxide Coatings on Titanium Formed by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation // Defect and Diffusion Forum. 2018. V. 386. Р. 349-352.
  10. Rudnev V.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Vasilyeva M.S., Zvereva A.A. Thermally Stimulated Transformation of the Surface Nanoarchitecture of Ni-and Cu-Doped Oxide Coatings on Titanium // Defect and Diffusion Forum. 2018. V. 386. Р. 283-289.
  11. Vasilieva M.S., Rudnev V.S., Zabudskaya N.E. Plasma-electrochemical formation of Sn-containing oxide layers on titanium // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces. 2018. V. 55. N 6. Р. 1157-1164.
  12. Chigrin P.G., Kirichenko E.A., Rudnev V.S., Lukiyanchuk I.V., Yarovay T.P. Stability of titanium-supported layers of potassium titanates in soot oxidation // Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis. 2018. V.125. N2. P. 859-872.
  13. Medkov M.A., Grishchenko D.N., Nedozorov P.M., Kuryavyi V.G., Rudnev V.S. Bioactive ceramics based on zirconium, aluminum, and titanium oxides // Glass and ceramics. 2018. V. 74. N. 9-10. P. 337-341.